There was a mini controversy building over the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) that's held in GOA annually. The selection of chief guest at the function had become an issue of possible controversy over the rumored choice of Dharmendra vs the more popular selection of Rajnikanth advanced by the southern film industry.
The southern film stars and industry personnel have always complained that indian film awards and festivals such as IFFI or more commercialized IIFA are too Bollywood centric. It had been advanced that Rajnikanth should have done the opening honors this year over Dharmendra on account of the former's continuing impact on cinema going public.
Dharmendra for his part was graceful enough to withdraw consideration after hearing of the same.
The southern film stars and industry personnel have always complained that indian film awards and festivals such as IFFI or more commercialized IIFA are too Bollywood centric. It had been advanced that Rajnikanth should have done the opening honors this year over Dharmendra on account of the former's continuing impact on cinema going public.
Dharmendra for his part was graceful enough to withdraw consideration after hearing of the same.
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