The soon-to-release futuristic sci-fi Bollywood film Love Story 2050 under Harry Baweja's direction starring Priyanka Chopra, has put director Shankar in a dilemma. Shankar is in the final stages of wrapping up the script of his sci-fi Tamil film Robot . The 120 crore budget film has Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai in the lead. Rumours say that both Love Story 2050 and Robot have a similar storyline that of man and machine (robots). In Love Story 2050, Boman Irani plays an eccentric scientist who invents a time machine. On this time machine, the lead pair Priyanka and Harman Baweja set forth on a journey to the year 2050. They land in futuristic Mumbai amidst flying cars, robots, Indian Ninjas, androids, and laser guns. Sources reveal that there is kid version of the lead pair with X-box games and Priyanka is said to be accompa nied by a pet robot, a robotic bear with a blue mohawk. Shankar is in a 'wait and watch' dilemma so that he can modify his screenplay if need be after Love Story 2050 is released. |